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Myofascial Massage Helps FibromyalgiaMany Fibromyalgia symptoms -- pain, stiffness, fatigue anddepression can be relieved with manual therapy. Now researchers say they understand why. Massage alters the sleep pattern, which reduces levels of the chemical messenger for pain. Fibromyalgia affects approximately 3-6 million people in the U.S., mostly women, according to the lead author Tiffany Field, PhD a researcher with the Touch Research Institute in Miami. It causes widespread muscle and soft tissue pain, tenderness, and fatigue. A person with Fibromyalgia will experience pain when "trigger points" are pressed. Previous studies have shown that exercise, stretching, relaxation therapy and massage therapy can provide relief for people with Fibromyalgia. Myofascial Massage has also been shown to to reduce pain, stiffness, fatigue, and sleeping difficulties, but researchers have not known exactly what massage does to provide relief. In a five-week study, 20 adults with Fibromyalgia received either manual therapy or relaxation therapy twice weekly. "Both groups showed a decrease in anxiety and depressed mood immediately after the first and last therapy sessions." writes Field. The big difference showed up in their SLEEP and a decrease in their sleep movements, as well as lower levels of the chemical messenger for pain -- called "substance P." For more information about Fibromyalgia, Dr. Devin Starlanyl's website is extremely informative. Dr. Starlanyl is one of the leading experts today in the field of Fibromyalgia and she has been recommending patients to Abramson Physical Therapy PLLC for the last ten years. For more information about Myofascial Release please visit us at Myofacial Release and for more information on Fibromyalgia and chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome please visit her at: http:/homepages.sover.net/~devstar/list8.htm#NewYork Abramson Physical Therapy PLLC © 2014 | All Rights Reserved |